I failed a statistics final by a thread, which I attribute to the issues you listed. The questions were exactly the same type as the exercises which we completed at home ever week, which did go well. Under stress though, there are simply some circuits that do not function well, especially working memory and EF which is what you need to work out problems. If you're on the Aut/ADHD spectrum this is infinitely worse. What's more, with Aut/ADHD you're more likely to make reasoning more complex, taking you longer to solve problems. I found little sympathy nor empathy during the feedback sessions. The university does offer some facilities to neurodivergent students such as 25% more time and a separate, quiet room, but only with medical proof which can take long and which is costly. I think it's unfair that not only I'm expected to conform to neurotypical standards, but I have to justify it as well and spend my own time and money doing it. Now my entire Summer is ruined for one re-sit I don't even deserve. As a working student, this is not something I can simply get over.